I am always looking to get more fiber into my diet, so when I came across this recipe, I knew I had found a great recipe. I use Splenda instead of regular...
A winner from Mr. Food. I sprinkle some vanilla powder on top before baking. These muffins are great if you are serving a very spicy or flavorful main...
Regardless of their variety or whether they were sliced or grated, the apples in our Apple Fritters exuded juice and produced soggy, undercooked interiors....
This is good with coffee or a big glass of milk. It is from a Woman's Day feature of lighter coffee cakes although I don't think of this as a coffee cake....
I always seem to have rice flour on hand (for Vietnamese and Thai food), and am always looking for ways to use it up. This recipe is from the incomparable...
This recipe is a hybrid of several recipes I found online. In my opinion, it tastes just like the ideal non-vegan version--flavorful, hearty, and moist....
This is my adopted recipe Feb 2005. These are absolutely delicious!!!!I changed the recipe a bit, I used 1 1/2 teaspoon lemon extract as suggested. I used...
This is a fabulous recipe for banana bread! This can also be baked in mini loaf pans and it also makes 12 muffins, bake for 20-25 minutes. I also added...
Is it a vegetable side dish or is it corn bread? This recipe comes from The New American Diet Cookbook and is credited to having originated in eastern...
High-fiber muffins that are full of flavor. Full of apples, carrots and nuts, these muffins are so good and great for you. I adapted this recipe from one...
This recipe is from Eric V. Copage's Kwanzaa book. It's hands down THE most delicious cornbread ever. Very moist (almost cake like texture) and sweet -...
This quick-bread is a great way to use up that lone avocado quickly passing it's prime! Not too sweet, pretty color, and no one in my household could guess...
This is a delicious flavorful quick-bread that was one of the first things I made when I started baking. Yummy! (Note: I made it without the nuts and it...
This recipe will give you approximately 40-45 of the most wonderful moist little muffins, mini chocolate chips or grated semi-sweet chocolate can be replaced...
These muffins are delicious and loaded with fiber and heart-friendly oat bran. They may truly be the breakfast of champions. You may use Granny Smith or...
This is a recipe that I got from "The Berry Farm" (in Colt's Neck, NJ) some 34+ years ago. I can't say if the berry farm still exists because I haven't...
These are bakery-quality muffins, the directions slightly differ from the regular method which is what sets these apart and the method that many bakeries...
I have tried several bran muffin recipes, and this is my all time favorite. They are low in fat, but you'd never know it by the way they taste! Bet you...
This is my adaptation/combination of several different zucchini muffin recipes. It's flexible and invites substitutions - yellow squash for the zucchini,...